Next stop: St. Lucia

 I can't believe it's almost been a week since my last post! Time is flying...

Since last update we've sailed several days, bringing our sailing experience to over 100 nautical miles and we celebrated Thanksgiving along with most of you.  We were even able to find turkey and all the fixin's here in Grenada!  Steve and I enjoyed a wonderful meal, but I have to admit that I was a bit homesick.  It wasn't quite the same without my mom's creamed corn and pecan pie and lots of family to eat it with.

We went to a mooring neighborhood party hosted by the marina, which was fun.  Amongst the crowd were sailors from England, Holland, South Africa, France, Canada, Brazil and the US. What I found interesting was the number of them who have been right here in this Grenadian mooring for years!

I've also invested in swim goggles and have been swimming laps around the boat in an attempt to get some cardio exercise.  It's too hot to do anything else!

The other thing which has kept us busy is deciding where to go next and then finalizing the logistics to allow us to depart and head to our next destination. Since many of the islands in the Caribbean are sovereign countries or are territories of several different countries, it is required to clear customs before leaving each island and arriving at the next.  In our post-COVID 19 world, there is an extra layer of complication since many of the islands require travel authorizations (via web portals - which are a real challenge in islands with spotty internet), COVID tests before and/or after arrival, and quarantining.

So the current status is thus: our travel authorization request was approved, our COVID tests (negative)  have been taken, we've prepared our navigation plan, and have reserved a mooring in Rodney Bay, St. Lucia.  Tomorrow we clear customs and set sail!  Our trip will be about 140 nautical miles and take around 18 hours.

Next update, December 1st!


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