Foreword: Making Dreams a Reality is Hard Work!

We are finally here in Grenada - albeit in quarantine.  Still...not so bad :-)

So while we're waiting for the real fun to begin, let me take this opportunity to share the abbreviated version of the "journey before the the journey".

Steve and I have been talking (read:  Steve has been talking to Laura) for many years about living on a boat.  This conversation normally ended something like:  "no way, not ever".  At some point, the discussion turned to what kind of boat would we need to buy in order for Laura to consider living on a boat.  Fast-forward a few more years and we began to actually plan and prepare for retirement and Laura says "why don't we live on a boat for a few years before we build our new house?"!

Go figure.

So now the abbreviated part: 

September of 2020:  Make decision to do this!

September 2020 - May 2021:  

  • Get Oviedo house ready to sell (i.e. tons of repainting, refinishing, etc)
  • Get rid of lots of stuff
  • Move to a one-bedroom apartment (this was a great trial run for living on a boat!)
  • Sell Oviedo house
  • Look at lots of boats...decide on what size, make and model we want
  • Travel Grenada for sea trial and survey 
June - October 2021:
  • Buy boat!
  • Buy lots and lots of stuff for boat (tools, spare parts, electronics, etc)
  • Watch lots and lots of YouTube videos about boat maintenance, boat travel, tying knots, repairing stuff
  • Retire!
  • Execute logistics to shut down life as we knew it 
  • Pack remaining stuff to go either to storage or to the boat.  This is all we brought for 3 months!  

  • Take our 12 year old dog, Jake, to Charleston, SC to stay with Bridgette for our first  voyage.  (We have enough to learn without figuring out doggie logistics right off the bat!)
  • Fly from MIA to Grenda on October 13th

So that brings you all up to date!  We'll spend the next day or so in quarantine until our in-country COVID test results are in and then will spend the next couple of weeks provisioning and preparing Starry Night for launch.


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