
Best Christmas Gift Ever!

On the day of my last post, December 22, Steve and I were docked in Indian Harbor Beach and I wasn't feeling particularly festive. Jake wasn't doing well and we were going to have a relatively low-key Christmas.  A few hours later, our lives changed in the best possible way!  Steve and I were relaxing after dinner. I was probably playing a game on my phone and he was talking to his brother, David, on his. My phone rang and it was Jessie and Will. I stepped out into our cockpit so I wouldn't disturb Steve's conversation and Jessie told me that they had just received a call from the adoption agency they'd been working with, and that they had been selected by a birth mother to be adoptive parents of a baby boy who had been born in Florida the day before. And he could be picked up on Tuesday!! I started jumping around, repeating "Oh my God!" and holding back sobs. For a moment, I thought: 'Wait! What if they're just kidding me and I'm behaving like...

Fall 2024: Family Gatherings

And in the blink of an eye, three months has passed!! Since my last post, we've traversed many miles and visited lots of folks. We actually left Starry Night for a record three weeks this fall while she was still on the ground in the Deltaville Boatyard. We traveled by car to Connecticut to visit Steve's brother and his wife, Victoria.  While we were there, we enjoyed the fall colors and crisp air. I also had an opportunity to practice speaking Spanish with Victoria's parents, which improved my skills immensely!  (It also highlighted how far I still have to go 😏) Fall Colors in New Milford, CT Enjoying an Indian Summer Afternoon with Family Never ones to sit idle, Steve spent some time cutting down some fallen trees on David's property.  I helped haul the logs to the splitting station. After Steve split the wood, I also helped stack it.  The weather during our visit was fantastic and it felt great to be outside.  Maintaining Physical Fitness - Northern style St...

Man of Many Talents

So, what was Steve up to while Jessie, Will and I were enjoying the sights in Baltimore and Jake was visiting his buddy, Tito, and taking advantage of 24-hour outdoor potty access?  Jake Chillin' as Jessie and Will's Jake and Tito Keeping Watch Steve was still anchored in Deltaville aboard Starry Night making use of his fancy Sailrite sewing machine! He made a replacement for one of the Starry Night Lounge cushions which blew away during a heavy wind event and re-covered the other seat cushions up top to match. Ever the engineer, he also designed and fabricated a new backrest to attach the upright cushions to. Replacement Cushion Newly Covered Sun Lounge Cushions The cushion project kept him busy for ten days - until the scheduled haul-out of Starry Night on September 10th - and during this time he also began identifying and purchasing all of the parts and supplies which would be needed for the other projects on the list. Once out of the water, the planned work included sanding...

Baltimore: Visiting the Inner Harbor

As I mentioned in my last post, Steve is currently in Deltaville, VA working on boat projects, and Jake and I have taken up residence with Jessie and Will in Baltimore. 😄 I'm not happy about our extended period of separation but Steve and I agreed that carrying Jake up and down the ladder several times a day to get onto the boat while it's out of the water is getting too difficult.  I also feel guilty about Steve doing all of the work, but not so guilty that I'm foregoing the opportunity for a bit of fun with Jessie and Will! The first weekend after I arrived, we decided to go to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and visit the four historic ships that are in residence there: The USS Constellation, Lightship Chesapeake LV116, USS Torsk, and USCG Cutter 37. Baltimore's Inner Harbor Will and Jessie on the Lightship Chesapeake We started our tour on the Lightship Chesapeake LV116, which was in service from 1930 until 1971. A lightship is basically a floating lighthouse, and this ...