Week 9 (cont'd): Never-ending Beauty

The Exumas Land and Sea Park at Warderick Wells was the next stop in our journey. The resources I read described wonderful snorkeling, hiking, and other attractions such as a whale's skeleton on the beach. It was definitely on my "must do" list, and in fact, turned out to be the site of my favorite sighting in the Bahamas. People often ask where my favorite place has been during our Excellent Adventure, and I honestly can't answer that question because the places we've been are often not comparable and I love different things about each of them. I can now say, at least, I have a favorite experience. Right Whale Skeleton on Whale Beach at Warderick Wells Warderick Wells was relatively close to our previous stop, Shroud Cay, and we decided to go ahead and move on April 26th, even though sailing was out of the question. We motored and checked in at the Park Office in the early afternoon, suiting up afterwards for our afternoon snorkel. I was immediately capt...