
Showing posts from May, 2022

Mods & Upgrades

As I mentioned previously, we left the marina in Titusville at the end of April and travelled to Jensen Beach with a couple of stops along the way.  We've been staying at the Jensen Beach Mooring Field which is located on the south side of the Jensen Beach causeway.  The facility is brand new and very nice.  It's especially convenient since there are restaurants and a Publix within walking distance.  We were awakened one night to the sound of something rhythmically hitting the side of the hull and got up to investigate.  We were rewarded with a spectacular view of launch from Cape Canaveral. This photo doesn't do it justice because of the time it took to go below to get my phone but, trust me, it was amazing.   Another photo taken as I woke up.  This was the view from our bed one morning.   Again, so beautiful that I had to get up to capture it.  Our reason for coming to Jensen Beach to get one of the big things done that will make the sailing life much easier going forward

Friends and family edition

Image's  been awhile, hasn't it? Steve and I spent January through April docked in Titusville and spent our time moving our stuff aboard, working on a lot of on-board and on-shore projects and - most importantly - spending time with friends and family and bringing Jake aboard.  Amazingly enough, all of this has been a full-time job so I took a hiatus from blogging. Now that we're on the move again, it seems like a good time to resume!  We're currently moored in the Jensen Beach Mooring Field, and have been here since early May after stops in Port Canaveral and Peck's Lake. One of the things that we've been very eager to do is to share our adventure with our friends.  Getting Starry Night completely outfitted and getting all of the systems up and running has been more challenging and time-consuming than we expected, so while we've had the opportunity to spend time with our guests on the boatl, we haven't been able to sail with anyone yet. Soon though